; PlatformIO Project Configuration File ; ; Build options: build flags, source filter ; Upload options: custom upload port, speed and extra flags ; Library options: dependencies, extra library storages ; Advanced options: extra scripting ; ; ================================================ ; See docs for configuration options and examples: ; https://docs.slimevr.dev/configuring-project.html#configuring-platformioini ; ================================================ [env] lib_deps= https://github.com/SlimeVR/CmdParser.git monitor_speed = 115200 framework = arduino build_flags = ;If you want to set hardcoded WiFi SSID and password, uncomment and edit the lines below ; '" - quotes are necessary! -DWIFI_CREDS_SSID='"ssid"' -DWIFI_CREDS_PASSWD='"password"' ; Enable -O2 GCC optimization -O2 build_unflags = -Os ; If you want to enable OTA Updates, uncomment and set OTA password here and in credentials.h ; You can set upload_port to device's ip after it's set up for the first time ; Use the same password in SlimeVR Server to let it OTA Update the device ;upload_protocol = espota ;upload_port = ;upload_flags = ; --auth=SlimeVR-OTA ; Settings for different boards [env:esp12e] platform = espressif8266 board = esp12e upload_speed = 921600 ; Uncomment below if you want to build for ESP-01 ;[env:esp01_1m] ;platform = espressif8266 ;board = esp01_1m ; Uncomment below if you want to build for esp32 ; Check your board name at https://docs.platformio.org/en/latest/platforms/espressif32.html#boards ; [env:esp32] ; platform = espressif32 ; board = esp32dev