/* This is a library written for the BNO080 SparkFun sells these at its website: www.sparkfun.com Do you like this library? Help support SparkFun. Buy a board! https://www.sparkfun.com/products/14686 Written by Nathan Seidle @ SparkFun Electronics, December 28th, 2017 The BNO080 IMU is a powerful triple axis gyro/accel/magnetometer coupled with an ARM processor to maintain and complete all the complex calculations for various VR, inertial, step counting, and movement operations. This library handles the initialization of the BNO080 and is able to query the sensor for different readings. https://github.com/sparkfun/SparkFun_BNO080_Arduino_Library Development environment specifics: Arduino IDE 1.8.5 SparkFun code, firmware, and software is released under the MIT License. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "BNO080.h" //Attempt communication with the device //Return true if we got a 'Polo' back from Marco boolean BNO080::begin(uint8_t deviceAddress, TwoWire &wirePort, uint8_t intPin) { _deviceAddress = deviceAddress; //If provided, store the I2C address from user _i2cPort = &wirePort; //Grab which port the user wants us to use _int = intPin; //Get the pin that the user wants to use for interrupts. By default, it's 255 and we'll not use it in dataAvailable() function. if (_int != 255) { pinMode(_int, INPUT_PULLUP); } //We expect caller to begin their I2C port, with the speed of their choice external to the library //But if they forget, we start the hardware here. //_i2cPort->begin(); //Begin by resetting the IMU softReset(); //Check communication with device shtpData[0] = SHTP_REPORT_PRODUCT_ID_REQUEST; //Request the product ID and reset info shtpData[1] = 0; //Reserved //Transmit packet on channel 2, 2 bytes sendPacket(CHANNEL_CONTROL, 2); //Now we wait for response if (receivePacket() == true) { if (shtpData[0] == SHTP_REPORT_PRODUCT_ID_RESPONSE) { if (_printDebug == true) { swMajor = shtpData[2]; swMinor = shtpData[3]; swPartNumber = ((uint32_t)shtpData[7] << 24) | ((uint32_t)shtpData[6] << 16) | ((uint32_t)shtpData[5] << 8) | ((uint32_t)shtpData[4]); swBuildNumber = ((uint32_t)shtpData[11] << 24) | ((uint32_t)shtpData[10] << 16) | ((uint32_t)shtpData[9] << 8) | ((uint32_t)shtpData[8]); swVersionPatch = ((uint16_t)shtpData[13] << 8) | ((uint16_t)shtpData[12]); _debugPort->print(F("SW Version Major: 0x")); _debugPort->print(swMajor, HEX); _debugPort->print(F(" SW Version Minor: 0x")); _debugPort->print(swMinor, HEX); _debugPort->print(F(" SW Part Number: 0x")); _debugPort->print(swPartNumber, HEX); _debugPort->print(F(" SW Build Number: 0x")); _debugPort->print(swBuildNumber, HEX); _debugPort->print(F(" SW Version Patch: 0x")); _debugPort->println(swVersionPatch, HEX); } return (true); } } return (false); //Something went wrong } boolean BNO080::beginSPI(uint8_t user_CSPin, uint8_t user_WAKPin, uint8_t user_INTPin, uint8_t user_RSTPin, uint32_t spiPortSpeed, SPIClass &spiPort) { _i2cPort = NULL; //This null tells the send/receive functions to use SPI //Get user settings _spiPort = &spiPort; _spiPortSpeed = spiPortSpeed; if (_spiPortSpeed > 3000000) _spiPortSpeed = 3000000; //BNO080 max is 3MHz _cs = user_CSPin; _wake = user_WAKPin; _int = user_INTPin; _rst = user_RSTPin; pinMode(_cs, OUTPUT); pinMode(_wake, OUTPUT); pinMode(_int, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(_rst, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(_cs, HIGH); //Deselect BNO080 //Configure the BNO080 for SPI communication digitalWrite(_wake, HIGH); //Before boot up the PS0/WAK pin must be high to enter SPI mode digitalWrite(_rst, LOW); //Reset BNO080 delay(2); //Min length not specified in datasheet? digitalWrite(_rst, HIGH); //Bring out of reset //Wait for first assertion of INT before using WAK pin. Can take ~104ms waitForSPI(); //if(wakeBNO080() == false) //Bring IC out of sleep after reset // Serial.println("BNO080 did not wake up"); _spiPort->begin(); //Turn on SPI hardware //At system startup, the hub must send its full advertisement message (see 5.2 and 5.3) to the //host. It must not send any other data until this step is complete. //When BNO080 first boots it broadcasts big startup packet //Read it and dump it waitForSPI(); //Wait for assertion of INT before reading advert message. receivePacket(); //The BNO080 will then transmit an unsolicited Initialize Response (see //Read it and dump it waitForSPI(); //Wait for assertion of INT before reading Init response receivePacket(); //Check communication with device shtpData[0] = SHTP_REPORT_PRODUCT_ID_REQUEST; //Request the product ID and reset info shtpData[1] = 0; //Reserved //Transmit packet on channel 2, 2 bytes sendPacket(CHANNEL_CONTROL, 2); //Now we wait for response waitForSPI(); if (receivePacket() == true) { if (shtpData[0] == SHTP_REPORT_PRODUCT_ID_RESPONSE) if (_printDebug == true) { _debugPort->print(F("SW Version Major: 0x")); _debugPort->print(shtpData[2], HEX); _debugPort->print(F(" SW Version Minor: 0x")); _debugPort->print(shtpData[3], HEX); uint32_t SW_Part_Number = ((uint32_t)shtpData[7] << 24) | ((uint32_t)shtpData[6] << 16) | ((uint32_t)shtpData[5] << 8) | ((uint32_t)shtpData[4]); _debugPort->print(F(" SW Part Number: 0x")); _debugPort->print(SW_Part_Number, HEX); uint32_t SW_Build_Number = ((uint32_t)shtpData[11] << 24) | ((uint32_t)shtpData[10] << 16) | ((uint32_t)shtpData[9] << 8) | ((uint32_t)shtpData[8]); _debugPort->print(F(" SW Build Number: 0x")); _debugPort->print(SW_Build_Number, HEX); uint16_t SW_Version_Patch = ((uint16_t)shtpData[13] << 8) | ((uint16_t)shtpData[12]); _debugPort->print(F(" SW Version Patch: 0x")); _debugPort->println(SW_Version_Patch, HEX); } return (true); } return (false); //Something went wrong } //Calling this function with nothing sets the debug port to Serial //You can also call it with other streams like Serial1, SerialUSB, etc. void BNO080::enableDebugging(Stream &debugPort) { _debugPort = &debugPort; _printDebug = true; } //Updates the latest variables if possible //Returns false if new readings are not available bool BNO080::dataAvailable(void) { return (getReadings() != 0); } uint16_t BNO080::getReadings(void) { //If we have an interrupt pin connection available, check if data is available. //If int pin is not set, then we'll rely on receivePacket() to timeout //See issue 13: https://github.com/sparkfun/SparkFun_BNO080_Arduino_Library/issues/13 if (_int != 255) { if (digitalRead(_int) == HIGH) return 0; } if (receivePacket() == true) { //Check to see if this packet is a sensor reporting its data to us if (shtpHeader[2] == CHANNEL_REPORTS && shtpData[0] == SHTP_REPORT_BASE_TIMESTAMP) { return parseInputReport(); //This will update the rawAccelX, etc variables depending on which feature report is found } else if (shtpHeader[2] == CHANNEL_CONTROL) { return parseCommandReport(); //This will update responses to commands, calibrationStatus, etc. } else if(shtpHeader[2] == CHANNEL_GYRO) { return parseInputReport(); //This will update the rawAccelX, etc variables depending on which feature report is found } } return 0; } //This function pulls the data from the command response report //Unit responds with packet that contains the following: //shtpHeader[0:3]: First, a 4 byte header //shtpData[0]: The Report ID //shtpData[1]: Sequence number (See //shtpData[2]: Command //shtpData[3]: Command Sequence Number //shtpData[4]: Response Sequence Number //shtpData[5 + 0]: R0 //shtpData[5 + 1]: R1 //shtpData[5 + 2]: R2 //shtpData[5 + 3]: R3 //shtpData[5 + 4]: R4 //shtpData[5 + 5]: R5 //shtpData[5 + 6]: R6 //shtpData[5 + 7]: R7 //shtpData[5 + 8]: R8 uint16_t BNO080::parseCommandReport(void) { if (shtpData[0] == SHTP_REPORT_COMMAND_RESPONSE) { //The BNO080 responds with this report to command requests. It's up to use to remember which command we issued. uint8_t command = shtpData[2]; //This is the Command byte of the response if (command == COMMAND_ME_CALIBRATE) { calibrationStatus = shtpData[5 + 0]; //R0 - Status (0 = success, non-zero = fail) } return shtpData[0]; } else { //This sensor report ID is unhandled. //See reference manual to add additional feature reports as needed } //TODO additional feature reports may be strung together. Parse them all. return 0; } //This function pulls the data from the input report //The input reports vary in length so this function stores the various 16-bit values as globals //Unit responds with packet that contains the following: //shtpHeader[0:3]: First, a 4 byte header //shtpData[0:4]: Then a 5 byte timestamp of microsecond clicks since reading was taken //shtpData[5 + 0]: Then a feature report ID (0x01 for Accel, 0x05 for Rotation Vector) //shtpData[5 + 1]: Sequence number (See //shtpData[5 + 2]: Status //shtpData[3]: Delay //shtpData[4:5]: i/accel x/gyro x/etc //shtpData[6:7]: j/accel y/gyro y/etc //shtpData[8:9]: k/accel z/gyro z/etc //shtpData[10:11]: real/gyro temp/etc //shtpData[12:13]: Accuracy estimate uint16_t BNO080::parseInputReport(void) { //Calculate the number of data bytes in this packet int16_t dataLength = ((uint16_t)shtpHeader[1] << 8 | shtpHeader[0]); dataLength &= ~(1 << 15); //Clear the MSbit. This bit indicates if this package is a continuation of the last. //Ignore it for now. TODO catch this as an error and exit dataLength -= 4; //Remove the header bytes from the data count timeStamp = ((uint32_t)shtpData[4] << (8 * 3)) | ((uint32_t)shtpData[3] << (8 * 2)) | ((uint32_t)shtpData[2] << (8 * 1)) | ((uint32_t)shtpData[1] << (8 * 0)); // The gyro-integrated input reports are sent via the special gyro channel and do no include the usual ID, sequence, and status fields if(shtpHeader[2] == CHANNEL_GYRO) { rawQuatI = (uint16_t)shtpData[1] << 8 | shtpData[0]; rawQuatJ = (uint16_t)shtpData[3] << 8 | shtpData[2]; rawQuatK = (uint16_t)shtpData[5] << 8 | shtpData[4]; rawQuatReal = (uint16_t)shtpData[7] << 8 | shtpData[6]; rawFastGyroX = (uint16_t)shtpData[9] << 8 | shtpData[8]; rawFastGyroY = (uint16_t)shtpData[11] << 8 | shtpData[10]; rawFastGyroZ = (uint16_t)shtpData[13] << 8 | shtpData[12]; return SENSOR_REPORTID_GYRO_INTEGRATED_ROTATION_VECTOR; } uint8_t status = shtpData[5 + 2] & 0x03; //Get status bits uint16_t data1 = (uint16_t)shtpData[5 + 5] << 8 | shtpData[5 + 4]; uint16_t data2 = (uint16_t)shtpData[5 + 7] << 8 | shtpData[5 + 6]; uint16_t data3 = (uint16_t)shtpData[5 + 9] << 8 | shtpData[5 + 8]; uint16_t data4 = 0; uint16_t data5 = 0; //We would need to change this to uin32_t to capture time stamp value on Raw Accel/Gyro/Mag reports if (dataLength - 5 > 9) { data4 = (uint16_t)shtpData[5 + 11] << 8 | shtpData[5 + 10]; } if (dataLength - 5 > 11) { data5 = (uint16_t)shtpData[5 + 13] << 8 | shtpData[5 + 12]; } //Store these generic values to their proper global variable if (shtpData[5] == SENSOR_REPORTID_ACCELEROMETER || shtpData[5] == SENSOR_REPORTID_GRAVITY) { hasNewAccel_ = true; accelAccuracy = status; rawAccelX = data1; rawAccelY = data2; rawAccelZ = data3; } else if (shtpData[5] == SENSOR_REPORTID_LINEAR_ACCELERATION) { accelLinAccuracy = status; rawLinAccelX = data1; rawLinAccelY = data2; rawLinAccelZ = data3; } else if (shtpData[5] == SENSOR_REPORTID_GYROSCOPE) { gyroAccuracy = status; rawGyroX = data1; rawGyroY = data2; rawGyroZ = data3; } else if (shtpData[5] == SENSOR_REPORTID_MAGNETIC_FIELD) { magAccuracy = status; rawMagX = data1; rawMagY = data2; rawMagZ = data3; } else if (shtpData[5] == SENSOR_REPORTID_ROTATION_VECTOR || shtpData[5] == SENSOR_REPORTID_GAME_ROTATION_VECTOR || shtpData[5] == SENSOR_REPORTID_AR_VR_STABILIZED_ROTATION_VECTOR || shtpData[5] == SENSOR_REPORTID_AR_VR_STABILIZED_GAME_ROTATION_VECTOR) { hasNewQuaternion = true; quatAccuracy = status; rawQuatI = data1; rawQuatJ = data2; rawQuatK = data3; rawQuatReal = data4; //Only available on rotation vector and ar/vr stabilized rotation vector, // not game rot vector and not ar/vr stabilized rotation vector rawQuatRadianAccuracy = data5; if(shtpData[5] == SENSOR_REPORTID_ROTATION_VECTOR || shtpData[5] == SENSOR_REPORTID_AR_VR_STABILIZED_ROTATION_VECTOR) { hasNewMagQuaternion = true; quatMagAccuracy = status; rawMagQuatI = data1; rawMagQuatJ = data2; rawMagQuatK = data3; rawMagQuatReal = data4; rawMagQuatRadianAccuracy = data5; } if(shtpData[5] == SENSOR_REPORTID_GAME_ROTATION_VECTOR || shtpData[5] == SENSOR_REPORTID_AR_VR_STABILIZED_GAME_ROTATION_VECTOR) { hasNewGameQuaternion = true; quatGameAccuracy = status; rawGameQuatI = data1; rawGameQuatJ = data2; rawGameQuatK = data3; rawGameQuatReal = data4; } } else if (shtpData[5] == SENSOR_REPORTID_TAP_DETECTOR) { tapDetector = shtpData[5 + 4]; //Byte 4 only hasNewTap = true; } else if (shtpData[5] == SENSOR_REPORTID_STEP_COUNTER) { stepCount = data3; //Bytes 8/9 } else if (shtpData[5] == SENSOR_REPORTID_STABILITY_CLASSIFIER) { stabilityClassifier = shtpData[5 + 4]; //Byte 4 only } else if (shtpData[5] == SENSOR_REPORTID_PERSONAL_ACTIVITY_CLASSIFIER) { activityClassifier = shtpData[5 + 5]; //Most likely state //Load activity classification confidences into the array for (uint8_t x = 0; x < 9; x++) //Hardcoded to max of 9. TODO - bring in array size _activityConfidences[x] = shtpData[5 + 6 + x]; //5 bytes of timestamp, byte 6 is first confidence byte } else if (shtpData[5] == SENSOR_REPORTID_RAW_ACCELEROMETER) { memsRawAccelX = data1; memsRawAccelY = data2; memsRawAccelZ = data3; } else if (shtpData[5] == SENSOR_REPORTID_RAW_GYROSCOPE) { memsRawGyroX = data1; memsRawGyroY = data2; memsRawGyroZ = data3; } else if (shtpData[5] == SENSOR_REPORTID_RAW_MAGNETOMETER) { memsRawMagX = data1; memsRawMagY = data2; memsRawMagZ = data3; } else if (shtpData[5] == SHTP_REPORT_COMMAND_RESPONSE) { if (_printDebug == true) { _debugPort->println(F("!")); } //The BNO080 responds with this report to command requests. It's up to use to remember which command we issued. uint8_t command = shtpData[5 + 2]; //This is the Command byte of the response if (command == COMMAND_ME_CALIBRATE) { if (_printDebug == true) { _debugPort->println(F("ME Cal report found!")); } calibrationStatus = shtpData[5 + 5]; //R0 - Status (0 = success, non-zero = fail) } } else { //This sensor report ID is unhandled. //See reference manual to add additional feature reports as needed return 0; } //TODO additional feature reports may be strung together. Parse them all. return shtpData[5]; } // Quaternion to Euler conversion // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conversion_between_quaternions_and_Euler_angles // https://github.com/sparkfun/SparkFun_MPU-9250-DMP_Arduino_Library/issues/5#issuecomment-306509440 // Return the roll (rotation around the x-axis) in Radians float BNO080::getRoll() { float dqw = getQuatReal(); float dqx = getQuatI(); float dqy = getQuatJ(); float dqz = getQuatK(); float norm = sqrt(dqw*dqw + dqx*dqx + dqy*dqy + dqz*dqz); dqw = dqw/norm; dqx = dqx/norm; dqy = dqy/norm; dqz = dqz/norm; float ysqr = dqy * dqy; // roll (x-axis rotation) float t0 = +2.0 * (dqw * dqx + dqy * dqz); float t1 = +1.0 - 2.0 * (dqx * dqx + ysqr); float roll = atan2(t0, t1); return (roll); } // Return the pitch (rotation around the y-axis) in Radians float BNO080::getPitch() { float dqw = getQuatReal(); float dqx = getQuatI(); float dqy = getQuatJ(); float dqz = getQuatK(); float norm = sqrt(dqw*dqw + dqx*dqx + dqy*dqy + dqz*dqz); dqw = dqw/norm; dqx = dqx/norm; dqy = dqy/norm; dqz = dqz/norm; //float ysqr = dqy * dqy; // pitch (y-axis rotation) float t2 = +2.0 * (dqw * dqy - dqz * dqx); t2 = t2 > 1.0 ? 1.0 : t2; t2 = t2 < -1.0 ? -1.0 : t2; float pitch = asin(t2); return (pitch); } // Return the yaw / heading (rotation around the z-axis) in Radians float BNO080::getYaw() { float dqw = getQuatReal(); float dqx = getQuatI(); float dqy = getQuatJ(); float dqz = getQuatK(); float norm = sqrt(dqw*dqw + dqx*dqx + dqy*dqy + dqz*dqz); dqw = dqw/norm; dqx = dqx/norm; dqy = dqy/norm; dqz = dqz/norm; float ysqr = dqy * dqy; // yaw (z-axis rotation) float t3 = +2.0 * (dqw * dqz + dqx * dqy); float t4 = +1.0 - 2.0 * (ysqr + dqz * dqz); float yaw = atan2(t3, t4); return (yaw); } //Gets the full quaternion //i,j,k,real output floats void BNO080::getQuat(float &i, float &j, float &k, float &real, float &radAccuracy, uint8_t &accuracy) { i = qToFloat(rawQuatI, rotationVector_Q1); j = qToFloat(rawQuatJ, rotationVector_Q1); k = qToFloat(rawQuatK, rotationVector_Q1); real = qToFloat(rawQuatReal, rotationVector_Q1); radAccuracy = qToFloat(rawQuatRadianAccuracy, rotationVector_Q1); accuracy = quatAccuracy; hasNewQuaternion = false; } void BNO080::getGameQuat(float &i, float &j, float &k, float &real, uint8_t &accuracy) { i = qToFloat(rawGameQuatI, rotationVector_Q1); j = qToFloat(rawGameQuatJ, rotationVector_Q1); k = qToFloat(rawGameQuatK, rotationVector_Q1); real = qToFloat(rawGameQuatReal, rotationVector_Q1); accuracy = quatGameAccuracy; hasNewGameQuaternion = false; } void BNO080::getMagQuat(float &i, float &j, float &k, float &real, float &radAccuracy, uint8_t &accuracy) { i = qToFloat(rawMagQuatI, rotationVector_Q1); j = qToFloat(rawMagQuatJ, rotationVector_Q1); k = qToFloat(rawMagQuatK, rotationVector_Q1); real = qToFloat(rawMagQuatReal, rotationVector_Q1); radAccuracy = qToFloat(rawMagQuatRadianAccuracy, rotationVector_Q1); accuracy = quatMagAccuracy; hasNewMagQuaternion = false; } bool BNO080::hasNewQuat() { return hasNewQuaternion; } bool BNO080::hasNewGameQuat() { return hasNewGameQuaternion; } bool BNO080::hasNewMagQuat() { return hasNewMagQuaternion; } bool BNO080::hasNewAccel() { return hasNewAccel_; } //Return the rotation vector quaternion I float BNO080::getQuatI() { float quat = qToFloat(rawQuatI, rotationVector_Q1); return (quat); } //Return the rotation vector quaternion J float BNO080::getQuatJ() { float quat = qToFloat(rawQuatJ, rotationVector_Q1); return (quat); } //Return the rotation vector quaternion K float BNO080::getQuatK() { float quat = qToFloat(rawQuatK, rotationVector_Q1); return (quat); } //Return the rotation vector quaternion Real float BNO080::getQuatReal() { float quat = qToFloat(rawQuatReal, rotationVector_Q1); return (quat); } //Return the rotation vector accuracy float BNO080::getQuatRadianAccuracy() { float quat = qToFloat(rawQuatRadianAccuracy, rotationVectorAccuracy_Q1); return (quat); } //Return the acceleration component uint8_t BNO080::getQuatAccuracy() { return (quatAccuracy); } //Gets the full acceleration //x,y,z output floats void BNO080::getAccel(float &x, float &y, float &z, uint8_t &accuracy) { x = qToFloat(rawAccelX, accelerometer_Q1); y = qToFloat(rawAccelY, accelerometer_Q1); z = qToFloat(rawAccelZ, accelerometer_Q1); accuracy = accelAccuracy; hasNewAccel_ = false; } //Return the acceleration component float BNO080::getAccelX() { float accel = qToFloat(rawAccelX, accelerometer_Q1); return (accel); } //Return the acceleration component float BNO080::getAccelY() { float accel = qToFloat(rawAccelY, accelerometer_Q1); return (accel); } //Return the acceleration component float BNO080::getAccelZ() { float accel = qToFloat(rawAccelZ, accelerometer_Q1); return (accel); } //Return the acceleration component uint8_t BNO080::getAccelAccuracy() { return (accelAccuracy); } // linear acceleration, i.e. minus gravity //Gets the full lin acceleration //x,y,z output floats void BNO080::getLinAccel(float &x, float &y, float &z, uint8_t &accuracy) { x = qToFloat(rawLinAccelX, linear_accelerometer_Q1); y = qToFloat(rawLinAccelY, linear_accelerometer_Q1); z = qToFloat(rawLinAccelZ, linear_accelerometer_Q1); accuracy = accelLinAccuracy; } //Return the acceleration component float BNO080::getLinAccelX() { float accel = qToFloat(rawLinAccelX, linear_accelerometer_Q1); return (accel); } //Return the acceleration component float BNO080::getLinAccelY() { float accel = qToFloat(rawLinAccelY, linear_accelerometer_Q1); return (accel); } //Return the acceleration component float BNO080::getLinAccelZ() { float accel = qToFloat(rawLinAccelZ, linear_accelerometer_Q1); return (accel); } //Return the acceleration component uint8_t BNO080::getLinAccelAccuracy() { return (accelLinAccuracy); } //Gets the full gyro vector //x,y,z output floats void BNO080::getGyro(float &x, float &y, float &z, uint8_t &accuracy) { x = qToFloat(rawGyroX, gyro_Q1); y = qToFloat(rawGyroY, gyro_Q1); z = qToFloat(rawGyroZ, gyro_Q1); accuracy = gyroAccuracy; } //Return the gyro component float BNO080::getGyroX() { float gyro = qToFloat(rawGyroX, gyro_Q1); return (gyro); } //Return the gyro component float BNO080::getGyroY() { float gyro = qToFloat(rawGyroY, gyro_Q1); return (gyro); } //Return the gyro component float BNO080::getGyroZ() { float gyro = qToFloat(rawGyroZ, gyro_Q1); return (gyro); } //Return the gyro component uint8_t BNO080::getGyroAccuracy() { return (gyroAccuracy); } //Gets the full mag vector //x,y,z output floats void BNO080::getMag(float &x, float &y, float &z, uint8_t &accuracy) { x = qToFloat(rawMagX, magnetometer_Q1); y = qToFloat(rawMagY, magnetometer_Q1); z = qToFloat(rawMagZ, magnetometer_Q1); accuracy = magAccuracy; } //Return the magnetometer component float BNO080::getMagX() { float mag = qToFloat(rawMagX, magnetometer_Q1); return (mag); } //Return the magnetometer component float BNO080::getMagY() { float mag = qToFloat(rawMagY, magnetometer_Q1); return (mag); } //Return the magnetometer component float BNO080::getMagZ() { float mag = qToFloat(rawMagZ, magnetometer_Q1); return (mag); } //Return the mag component uint8_t BNO080::getMagAccuracy() { return (magAccuracy); } //Gets the full high rate gyro vector //x,y,z output floats void BNO080::getFastGyro(float &x, float &y, float &z) { x = qToFloat(rawFastGyroX, angular_velocity_Q1); y = qToFloat(rawFastGyroY, angular_velocity_Q1); z = qToFloat(rawFastGyroZ, angular_velocity_Q1); } // Return the high refresh rate gyro component float BNO080::getFastGyroX() { float gyro = qToFloat(rawFastGyroX, angular_velocity_Q1); return (gyro); } // Return the high refresh rate gyro component float BNO080::getFastGyroY() { float gyro = qToFloat(rawFastGyroY, angular_velocity_Q1); return (gyro); } // Return the high refresh rate gyro component float BNO080::getFastGyroZ() { float gyro = qToFloat(rawFastGyroZ, angular_velocity_Q1); return (gyro); } //Return the tap detector uint8_t BNO080::getTapDetector() { uint8_t previousTapDetector = tapDetector; tapDetector = 0; //Reset so user code sees exactly one tap hasNewTap = false; return (previousTapDetector); } bool BNO080::getTapDetected() { return hasNewTap; } //Return the step count uint16_t BNO080::getStepCount() { return (stepCount); } //Return the stability classifier uint8_t BNO080::getStabilityClassifier() { return (stabilityClassifier); } //Return the activity classifier uint8_t BNO080::getActivityClassifier() { return (activityClassifier); } //Return the time stamp uint32_t BNO080::getTimeStamp() { return (timeStamp); } //Return raw mems value for the accel int16_t BNO080::getRawAccelX() { return (memsRawAccelX); } //Return raw mems value for the accel int16_t BNO080::getRawAccelY() { return (memsRawAccelY); } //Return raw mems value for the accel int16_t BNO080::getRawAccelZ() { return (memsRawAccelZ); } //Return raw mems value for the gyro int16_t BNO080::getRawGyroX() { return (memsRawGyroX); } int16_t BNO080::getRawGyroY() { return (memsRawGyroY); } int16_t BNO080::getRawGyroZ() { return (memsRawGyroZ); } //Return raw mems value for the mag int16_t BNO080::getRawMagX() { return (memsRawMagX); } int16_t BNO080::getRawMagY() { return (memsRawMagY); } int16_t BNO080::getRawMagZ() { return (memsRawMagZ); } //Given a record ID, read the Q1 value from the metaData record in the FRS (ya, it's complicated) //Q1 is used for all sensor data calculations int16_t BNO080::getQ1(uint16_t recordID) { //Q1 is always the lower 16 bits of word 7 uint16_t q = readFRSword(recordID, 7) & 0xFFFF; //Get word 7, lower 16 bits return (q); } //Given a record ID, read the Q2 value from the metaData record in the FRS //Q2 is used in sensor bias int16_t BNO080::getQ2(uint16_t recordID) { //Q2 is always the upper 16 bits of word 7 uint16_t q = readFRSword(recordID, 7) >> 16; //Get word 7, upper 16 bits return (q); } //Given a record ID, read the Q3 value from the metaData record in the FRS //Q3 is used in sensor change sensitivity int16_t BNO080::getQ3(uint16_t recordID) { //Q3 is always the upper 16 bits of word 8 uint16_t q = readFRSword(recordID, 8) >> 16; //Get word 8, upper 16 bits return (q); } //Given a record ID, read the resolution value from the metaData record in the FRS for a given sensor float BNO080::getResolution(uint16_t recordID) { //The resolution Q value are 'the same as those used in the sensor's input report' //This should be Q1. int16_t Q = getQ1(recordID); //Resolution is always word 2 uint32_t value = readFRSword(recordID, 2); //Get word 2 float resolution = qToFloat(value, Q); return (resolution); } //Given a record ID, read the range value from the metaData record in the FRS for a given sensor float BNO080::getRange(uint16_t recordID) { //The resolution Q value are 'the same as those used in the sensor's input report' //This should be Q1. int16_t Q = getQ1(recordID); //Range is always word 1 uint32_t value = readFRSword(recordID, 1); //Get word 1 float range = qToFloat(value, Q); return (range); } //Given a record ID and a word number, look up the word data //Helpful for pulling out a Q value, range, etc. //Use readFRSdata for pulling out multi-word objects for a sensor (Vendor data for example) uint32_t BNO080::readFRSword(uint16_t recordID, uint8_t wordNumber) { if (readFRSdata(recordID, wordNumber, 1) == true) //Get word number, just one word in length from FRS return (metaData[0]); //Return this one word return (0); //Error } //Ask the sensor for data from the Flash Record System //See 6.3.6 page 40, FRS Read Request void BNO080::frsReadRequest(uint16_t recordID, uint16_t readOffset, uint16_t blockSize) { shtpData[0] = SHTP_REPORT_FRS_READ_REQUEST; //FRS Read Request shtpData[1] = 0; //Reserved shtpData[2] = (readOffset >> 0) & 0xFF; //Read Offset LSB shtpData[3] = (readOffset >> 8) & 0xFF; //Read Offset MSB shtpData[4] = (recordID >> 0) & 0xFF; //FRS Type LSB shtpData[5] = (recordID >> 8) & 0xFF; //FRS Type MSB shtpData[6] = (blockSize >> 0) & 0xFF; //Block size LSB shtpData[7] = (blockSize >> 8) & 0xFF; //Block size MSB //Transmit packet on channel 2, 8 bytes sendPacket(CHANNEL_CONTROL, 8); } //Given a sensor or record ID, and a given start/stop bytes, read the data from the Flash Record System (FRS) for this sensor //Returns true if metaData array is loaded successfully //Returns false if failure bool BNO080::readFRSdata(uint16_t recordID, uint8_t startLocation, uint8_t wordsToRead) { uint8_t spot = 0; //First we send a Flash Record System (FRS) request frsReadRequest(recordID, startLocation, wordsToRead); //From startLocation of record, read a # of words //Read bytes until FRS reports that the read is complete while (1) { //Now we wait for response while (1) { uint8_t counter = 0; while (receivePacket() == false) { if (counter++ > 100) return (false); //Give up delay(1); } //We have the packet, inspect it for the right contents //See page 40. Report ID should be 0xF3 and the FRS types should match the thing we requested if (shtpData[0] == SHTP_REPORT_FRS_READ_RESPONSE) if (((((uint16_t)shtpData[13]) << 8) | shtpData[12]) == recordID) break; //This packet is one we are looking for } uint8_t dataLength = shtpData[1] >> 4; uint8_t frsStatus = shtpData[1] & 0x0F; uint32_t data0 = (uint32_t)shtpData[7] << 24 | (uint32_t)shtpData[6] << 16 | (uint32_t)shtpData[5] << 8 | (uint32_t)shtpData[4]; uint32_t data1 = (uint32_t)shtpData[11] << 24 | (uint32_t)shtpData[10] << 16 | (uint32_t)shtpData[9] << 8 | (uint32_t)shtpData[8]; //Record these words to the metaData array if (dataLength > 0) { metaData[spot++] = data0; } if (dataLength > 1) { metaData[spot++] = data1; } if (spot >= MAX_METADATA_SIZE) { if (_printDebug == true) _debugPort->println(F("metaData array over run. Returning.")); return (true); //We have run out of space in our array. Bail. } if (frsStatus == 3 || frsStatus == 6 || frsStatus == 7) { return (true); //FRS status is read completed! We're done! } } } //Send command to reset IC //Read all advertisement packets from sensor //The sensor has been seen to reset twice if we attempt too much too quickly. //This seems to work reliably. void BNO080::softReset(void) { shtpData[0] = 1; //Reset //Attempt to start communication with sensor sendPacket(CHANNEL_EXECUTABLE, 1); //Transmit packet on channel 1, 1 byte //Read all incoming data and flush it delay(50); while (receivePacket() == true) ; //delay(1); delay(50); while (receivePacket() == true) ; //delay(1); } //Set the operating mode to "On" //(This one is for @jerabaul29) void BNO080::modeOn(void) { shtpData[0] = 2; //On //Attempt to start communication with sensor sendPacket(CHANNEL_EXECUTABLE, 1); //Transmit packet on channel 1, 1 byte //Read all incoming data and flush it delay(50); while (receivePacket() == true) ; //delay(1); delay(50); while (receivePacket() == true) ; //delay(1); } //Set the operating mode to "Sleep" //(This one is for @jerabaul29) void BNO080::modeSleep(void) { shtpData[0] = 3; //Sleep //Attempt to start communication with sensor sendPacket(CHANNEL_EXECUTABLE, 1); //Transmit packet on channel 1, 1 byte //Read all incoming data and flush it delay(50); while (receivePacket() == true) ; //delay(1); delay(50); while (receivePacket() == true) ; //delay(1); } //Get the reason for the last reset //1 = POR, 2 = Internal reset, 3 = Watchdog, 4 = External reset, 5 = Other uint8_t BNO080::resetReason() { shtpData[0] = SHTP_REPORT_PRODUCT_ID_REQUEST; //Request the product ID and reset info shtpData[1] = 0; //Reserved //Transmit packet on channel 2, 2 bytes sendPacket(CHANNEL_CONTROL, 2); //Now we wait for response if (receivePacket() == true) { if (shtpData[0] == SHTP_REPORT_PRODUCT_ID_RESPONSE) { return (shtpData[1]); } } return (0); } //Given a register value and a Q point, convert to float //See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Q_(number_format) float BNO080::qToFloat(int16_t fixedPointValue, uint8_t qPoint) { float qFloat = fixedPointValue; qFloat *= pow(2, qPoint * -1); return (qFloat); } //Sends the packet to enable the rotation vector void BNO080::enableRotationVector(uint16_t timeBetweenReports) { setFeatureCommand(SENSOR_REPORTID_ROTATION_VECTOR, timeBetweenReports); } //Sends the packet to enable the ar/vr stabilized rotation vector void BNO080::enableARVRStabilizedRotationVector(uint16_t timeBetweenReports) { setFeatureCommand(SENSOR_REPORTID_AR_VR_STABILIZED_ROTATION_VECTOR, timeBetweenReports); } //Sends the packet to enable the rotation vector void BNO080::enableGameRotationVector(uint16_t timeBetweenReports) { setFeatureCommand(SENSOR_REPORTID_GAME_ROTATION_VECTOR, timeBetweenReports); } //Sends the packet to enable the ar/vr stabilized rotation vector void BNO080::enableARVRStabilizedGameRotationVector(uint16_t timeBetweenReports) { setFeatureCommand(SENSOR_REPORTID_AR_VR_STABILIZED_GAME_ROTATION_VECTOR, timeBetweenReports); } //Sends the packet to enable the accelerometer void BNO080::enableAccelerometer(uint16_t timeBetweenReports) { setFeatureCommand(SENSOR_REPORTID_ACCELEROMETER, timeBetweenReports); } //Sends the packet to enable the gravity void BNO080::enableGravity(uint16_t timeBetweenReports) { setFeatureCommand(SENSOR_REPORTID_GRAVITY, timeBetweenReports); } //Sends the packet to enable the accelerometer void BNO080::enableLinearAccelerometer(uint16_t timeBetweenReports) { setFeatureCommand(SENSOR_REPORTID_LINEAR_ACCELERATION, timeBetweenReports); } //Sends the packet to enable the gyro void BNO080::enableGyro(uint16_t timeBetweenReports) { setFeatureCommand(SENSOR_REPORTID_GYROSCOPE, timeBetweenReports); } //Sends the packet to enable the magnetometer void BNO080::enableMagnetometer(uint16_t timeBetweenReports) { setFeatureCommand(SENSOR_REPORTID_MAGNETIC_FIELD, timeBetweenReports); } //Sends the packet to enable the high refresh-rate gyro-integrated rotation vector void BNO080::enableGyroIntegratedRotationVector(uint16_t timeBetweenReports) { setFeatureCommand(SENSOR_REPORTID_GYRO_INTEGRATED_ROTATION_VECTOR, timeBetweenReports); } //Sends the packet to enable the tap detector void BNO080::enableTapDetector(uint16_t timeBetweenReports) { setFeatureCommand(SENSOR_REPORTID_TAP_DETECTOR, timeBetweenReports); } //Sends the packet to enable the step counter void BNO080::enableStepCounter(uint16_t timeBetweenReports) { setFeatureCommand(SENSOR_REPORTID_STEP_COUNTER, timeBetweenReports); } //Sends the packet to enable the Stability Classifier void BNO080::enableStabilityClassifier(uint16_t timeBetweenReports) { setFeatureCommand(SENSOR_REPORTID_STABILITY_CLASSIFIER, timeBetweenReports); } //Sends the packet to enable the raw accel readings //Note you must enable basic reporting on the sensor as well void BNO080::enableRawAccelerometer(uint16_t timeBetweenReports) { setFeatureCommand(SENSOR_REPORTID_RAW_ACCELEROMETER, timeBetweenReports); } //Sends the packet to enable the raw accel readings //Note you must enable basic reporting on the sensor as well void BNO080::enableRawGyro(uint16_t timeBetweenReports) { setFeatureCommand(SENSOR_REPORTID_RAW_GYROSCOPE, timeBetweenReports); } //Sends the packet to enable the raw accel readings //Note you must enable basic reporting on the sensor as well void BNO080::enableRawMagnetometer(uint16_t timeBetweenReports) { setFeatureCommand(SENSOR_REPORTID_RAW_MAGNETOMETER, timeBetweenReports); } //Sends the packet to enable the various activity classifiers void BNO080::enableActivityClassifier(uint16_t timeBetweenReports, uint32_t activitiesToEnable, uint8_t (&activityConfidences)[9]) { _activityConfidences = activityConfidences; //Store pointer to array setFeatureCommand(SENSOR_REPORTID_PERSONAL_ACTIVITY_CLASSIFIER, timeBetweenReports, activitiesToEnable); } //Sends the commands to begin calibration of the accelerometer void BNO080::calibrateAccelerometer() { sendCalibrateCommand(CALIBRATE_ACCEL); } //Sends the commands to begin calibration of the gyro void BNO080::calibrateGyro() { sendCalibrateCommand(CALIBRATE_GYRO); } //Sends the commands to begin calibration of the magnetometer void BNO080::calibrateMagnetometer() { sendCalibrateCommand(CALIBRATE_MAG); } //Sends the commands to begin calibration of the planar accelerometer void BNO080::calibratePlanarAccelerometer() { sendCalibrateCommand(CALIBRATE_PLANAR_ACCEL); } //See 2.2 of the Calibration Procedure document 1000-4044 void BNO080::calibrateAll() { sendCalibrateCommand(CALIBRATE_ACCEL_GYRO_MAG); } void BNO080::endCalibration() { sendCalibrateCommand(CALIBRATE_STOP); //Disables all calibrations } //See page 51 of reference manual - ME Calibration Response //Byte 5 is parsed during the readPacket and stored in calibrationStatus boolean BNO080::calibrationComplete() { if (calibrationStatus == 0) return (true); return (false); } //Given a sensor's report ID, this tells the BNO080 to begin reporting the values void BNO080::setFeatureCommand(uint8_t reportID, uint16_t timeBetweenReports) { setFeatureCommand(reportID, timeBetweenReports, 0); //No specific config } //Given a sensor's report ID, this tells the BNO080 to begin reporting the values //Also sets the specific config word. Useful for personal activity classifier void BNO080::setFeatureCommand(uint8_t reportID, uint16_t timeBetweenReports, uint32_t specificConfig) { long microsBetweenReports = (long)timeBetweenReports * 1000L; shtpData[0] = SHTP_REPORT_SET_FEATURE_COMMAND; //Set feature command. Reference page 55 shtpData[1] = reportID; //Feature Report ID. 0x01 = Accelerometer, 0x05 = Rotation vector shtpData[2] = 0; //Feature flags shtpData[3] = 0; //Change sensitivity (LSB) shtpData[4] = 0; //Change sensitivity (MSB) shtpData[5] = (microsBetweenReports >> 0) & 0xFF; //Report interval (LSB) in microseconds. 0x7A120 = 500ms shtpData[6] = (microsBetweenReports >> 8) & 0xFF; //Report interval shtpData[7] = (microsBetweenReports >> 16) & 0xFF; //Report interval shtpData[8] = (microsBetweenReports >> 24) & 0xFF; //Report interval (MSB) shtpData[9] = 0; //Batch Interval (LSB) shtpData[10] = 0; //Batch Interval shtpData[11] = 0; //Batch Interval shtpData[12] = 0; //Batch Interval (MSB) shtpData[13] = (specificConfig >> 0) & 0xFF; //Sensor-specific config (LSB) shtpData[14] = (specificConfig >> 8) & 0xFF; //Sensor-specific config shtpData[15] = (specificConfig >> 16) & 0xFF; //Sensor-specific config shtpData[16] = (specificConfig >> 24) & 0xFF; //Sensor-specific config (MSB) //Transmit packet on channel 2, 17 bytes sendPacket(CHANNEL_CONTROL, 17); } //Tell the sensor to do a command //See 6.3.8 page 41, Command request //The caller is expected to set P0 through P8 prior to calling void BNO080::sendCommand(uint8_t command) { shtpData[0] = SHTP_REPORT_COMMAND_REQUEST; //Command Request shtpData[1] = commandSequenceNumber++; //Increments automatically each function call shtpData[2] = command; //Command //Caller must set these /*shtpData[3] = 0; //P0 shtpData[4] = 0; //P1 shtpData[5] = 0; //P2 shtpData[6] = 0; shtpData[7] = 0; shtpData[8] = 0; shtpData[9] = 0; shtpData[10] = 0; shtpData[11] = 0;*/ //Transmit packet on channel 2, 12 bytes sendPacket(CHANNEL_CONTROL, 12); } //This tells the BNO080 to begin calibrating //See page 50 of reference manual and the 1000-4044 calibration doc void BNO080::sendCalibrateCommand(uint8_t thingToCalibrate) { /*shtpData[3] = 0; //P0 - Accel Cal Enable shtpData[4] = 0; //P1 - Gyro Cal Enable shtpData[5] = 0; //P2 - Mag Cal Enable shtpData[6] = 0; //P3 - Subcommand 0x00 shtpData[7] = 0; //P4 - Planar Accel Cal Enable shtpData[8] = 0; //P5 - Reserved shtpData[9] = 0; //P6 - Reserved shtpData[10] = 0; //P7 - Reserved shtpData[11] = 0; //P8 - Reserved*/ for (uint8_t x = 3; x < 12; x++) //Clear this section of the shtpData array shtpData[x] = 0; if (thingToCalibrate == CALIBRATE_ACCEL) shtpData[3] = 1; else if (thingToCalibrate == CALIBRATE_GYRO) shtpData[4] = 1; else if (thingToCalibrate == CALIBRATE_MAG) shtpData[5] = 1; else if (thingToCalibrate == CALIBRATE_PLANAR_ACCEL) shtpData[7] = 1; else if (thingToCalibrate == CALIBRATE_ACCEL_GYRO_MAG) { shtpData[3] = 1; shtpData[4] = 1; shtpData[5] = 1; } else if (thingToCalibrate == CALIBRATE_STOP) ; //Do nothing, bytes are set to zero //Make the internal calStatus variable non-zero (operation failed) so that user can test while we wait calibrationStatus = 1; //Using this shtpData packet, send a command sendCommand(COMMAND_ME_CALIBRATE); } //Request ME Calibration Status from BNO080 //See page 51 of reference manual void BNO080::requestCalibrationStatus() { /*shtpData[3] = 0; //P0 - Reserved shtpData[4] = 0; //P1 - Reserved shtpData[5] = 0; //P2 - Reserved shtpData[6] = 0; //P3 - 0x01 - Subcommand: Get ME Calibration shtpData[7] = 0; //P4 - Reserved shtpData[8] = 0; //P5 - Reserved shtpData[9] = 0; //P6 - Reserved shtpData[10] = 0; //P7 - Reserved shtpData[11] = 0; //P8 - Reserved*/ for (uint8_t x = 3; x < 12; x++) //Clear this section of the shtpData array shtpData[x] = 0; shtpData[6] = 0x01; //P3 - 0x01 - Subcommand: Get ME Calibration //Using this shtpData packet, send a command sendCommand(COMMAND_ME_CALIBRATE); } //This tells the BNO080 to save the Dynamic Calibration Data (DCD) to flash //See page 49 of reference manual and the 1000-4044 calibration doc void BNO080::saveCalibration() { /*shtpData[3] = 0; //P0 - Reserved shtpData[4] = 0; //P1 - Reserved shtpData[5] = 0; //P2 - Reserved shtpData[6] = 0; //P3 - Reserved shtpData[7] = 0; //P4 - Reserved shtpData[8] = 0; //P5 - Reserved shtpData[9] = 0; //P6 - Reserved shtpData[10] = 0; //P7 - Reserved shtpData[11] = 0; //P8 - Reserved*/ for (uint8_t x = 3; x < 12; x++) //Clear this section of the shtpData array shtpData[x] = 0; //Using this shtpData packet, send a command sendCommand(COMMAND_DCD); //Save DCD command } //Wait a certain time for incoming I2C bytes before giving up //Returns false if failed boolean BNO080::waitForI2C() { i2cTimedOut = false; for (uint8_t counter = 0; counter < 100; counter++) //Don't got more than 255 { if (_i2cPort->available() > 0) return (true); delay(1); } if (_printDebug == true) _debugPort->println(F("I2C timeout")); i2cTimedOut = true; return (false); } boolean BNO080::I2CTimedOut() { return i2cTimedOut; } //Blocking wait for BNO080 to assert (pull low) the INT pin //indicating it's ready for comm. Can take more than 104ms //after a hardware reset boolean BNO080::waitForSPI() { for (uint8_t counter = 0; counter < 125; counter++) //Don't got more than 255 { if (digitalRead(_int) == LOW) return (true); if (_printDebug == true) _debugPort->println(F("SPI Wait")); delay(1); } if (_printDebug == true) _debugPort->println(F("SPI INT timeout")); return (false); } //Check to see if there is any new data available //Read the contents of the incoming packet into the shtpData array boolean BNO080::receivePacket(void) { if (_i2cPort == NULL) //Do SPI { if (digitalRead(_int) == HIGH) return (false); //Data is not available //Old way: if (waitForSPI() == false) return (false); //Something went wrong //Get first four bytes to find out how much data we need to read _spiPort->beginTransaction(SPISettings(_spiPortSpeed, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE3)); digitalWrite(_cs, LOW); //Get the first four bytes, aka the packet header uint8_t packetLSB = _spiPort->transfer(0); uint8_t packetMSB = _spiPort->transfer(0); uint8_t channelNumber = _spiPort->transfer(0); uint8_t sequenceNumber = _spiPort->transfer(0); //Not sure if we need to store this or not //Store the header info shtpHeader[0] = packetLSB; shtpHeader[1] = packetMSB; shtpHeader[2] = channelNumber; shtpHeader[3] = sequenceNumber; //Calculate the number of data bytes in this packet uint16_t dataLength = (((uint16_t)packetMSB) << 8) | ((uint16_t)packetLSB); dataLength &= ~(1 << 15); //Clear the MSbit. //This bit indicates if this package is a continuation of the last. Ignore it for now. //TODO catch this as an error and exit if (dataLength == 0) { //Packet is empty printHeader(); return (false); //All done } dataLength -= 4; //Remove the header bytes from the data count //Read incoming data into the shtpData array for (uint16_t dataSpot = 0; dataSpot < dataLength; dataSpot++) { uint8_t incoming = _spiPort->transfer(0xFF); if (dataSpot < MAX_PACKET_SIZE) //BNO080 can respond with upto 270 bytes, avoid overflow shtpData[dataSpot] = incoming; //Store data into the shtpData array } digitalWrite(_cs, HIGH); //Release BNO080 _spiPort->endTransaction(); printPacket(); } else //Do I2C { _i2cPort->requestFrom((uint8_t)_deviceAddress, (size_t)4); //Ask for four bytes to find out how much data we need to read if (waitForI2C() == false) return (false); //Error //Get the first four bytes, aka the packet header uint8_t packetLSB = _i2cPort->read(); uint8_t packetMSB = _i2cPort->read(); uint8_t channelNumber = _i2cPort->read(); uint8_t sequenceNumber = _i2cPort->read(); //Not sure if we need to store this or not //Store the header info. shtpHeader[0] = packetLSB; shtpHeader[1] = packetMSB; shtpHeader[2] = channelNumber; shtpHeader[3] = sequenceNumber; //Calculate the number of data bytes in this packet uint16_t dataLength = (((uint16_t)packetMSB) << 8) | ((uint16_t)packetLSB); dataLength &= ~(1 << 15); //Clear the MSbit. //This bit indicates if this package is a continuation of the last. Ignore it for now. //TODO catch this as an error and exit // if (_printDebug == true) // { // _debugPort->print(F("receivePacket (I2C): dataLength is: ")); // _debugPort->println(dataLength); // } if (dataLength == 0) { //Packet is empty return (false); //All done } dataLength -= 4; //Remove the header bytes from the data count getData(dataLength); } return (true); //We're done! } //Sends multiple requests to sensor until all data bytes are received from sensor //The shtpData buffer has max capacity of MAX_PACKET_SIZE. Any bytes over this amount will be lost. //Arduino I2C read limit is 32 bytes. Header is 4 bytes, so max data we can read per interation is 28 bytes boolean BNO080::getData(uint16_t bytesRemaining) { uint16_t dataSpot = 0; //Start at the beginning of shtpData array //Setup a series of chunked 32 byte reads while (bytesRemaining > 0) { uint16_t numberOfBytesToRead = bytesRemaining; if (numberOfBytesToRead > (BNO_I2C_BUFFER_LENGTH - 4)) numberOfBytesToRead = (BNO_I2C_BUFFER_LENGTH - 4); _i2cPort->requestFrom((uint8_t)_deviceAddress, (size_t)(numberOfBytesToRead + 4)); if (waitForI2C() == false) return (0); //Error //The first four bytes are header bytes and are throw away _i2cPort->read(); _i2cPort->read(); _i2cPort->read(); _i2cPort->read(); for (uint8_t x = 0; x < numberOfBytesToRead; x++) { uint8_t incoming = _i2cPort->read(); if (dataSpot < MAX_PACKET_SIZE) { shtpData[dataSpot++] = incoming; //Store data into the shtpData array } else { //Do nothing with the data } } bytesRemaining -= numberOfBytesToRead; } return (true); //Done! } //Given the data packet, send the header then the data //Returns false if sensor does not ACK //TODO - Arduino has a max 32 byte send. Break sending into multi packets if needed. boolean BNO080::sendPacket(uint8_t channelNumber, uint8_t dataLength) { uint8_t packetLength = dataLength + 4; //Add four bytes for the header if (_i2cPort == NULL) //Do SPI { //Wait for BNO080 to indicate it is available for communication if (waitForSPI() == false) return (false); //Something went wrong //BNO080 has max CLK of 3MHz, MSB first, //The BNO080 uses CPOL = 1 and CPHA = 1. This is mode3 _spiPort->beginTransaction(SPISettings(_spiPortSpeed, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE3)); digitalWrite(_cs, LOW); //Send the 4 byte packet header _spiPort->transfer(packetLength & 0xFF); //Packet length LSB _spiPort->transfer(packetLength >> 8); //Packet length MSB _spiPort->transfer(channelNumber); //Channel number _spiPort->transfer(sequenceNumber[channelNumber]++); //Send the sequence number, increments with each packet sent, different counter for each channel //Send the user's data packet for (uint8_t i = 0; i < dataLength; i++) { _spiPort->transfer(shtpData[i]); } digitalWrite(_cs, HIGH); _spiPort->endTransaction(); } else //Do I2C { //if(packetLength > BNO_I2C_BUFFER_LENGTH) return(false); //You are trying to send too much. Break into smaller packets. _i2cPort->beginTransmission(_deviceAddress); //Send the 4 byte packet header _i2cPort->write(packetLength & 0xFF); //Packet length LSB _i2cPort->write(packetLength >> 8); //Packet length MSB _i2cPort->write(channelNumber); //Channel number _i2cPort->write(sequenceNumber[channelNumber]++); //Send the sequence number, increments with each packet sent, different counter for each channel //Send the user's data packet for (uint8_t i = 0; i < dataLength; i++) { _i2cPort->write(shtpData[i]); } uint8_t i2cResult = _i2cPort->endTransmission(); if (i2cResult != 0) { if (_printDebug == true) { _debugPort->print(F("sendPacket(I2C): endTransmission returned: ")); _debugPort->println(i2cResult); } return (false); } } return (true); } //Pretty prints the contents of the current shtp header and data packets void BNO080::printPacket(void) { if (_printDebug == true) { uint16_t packetLength = (uint16_t)shtpHeader[1] << 8 | shtpHeader[0]; //Print the four byte header _debugPort->print(F("Header:")); for (uint8_t x = 0; x < 4; x++) { _debugPort->print(F(" ")); if (shtpHeader[x] < 0x10) _debugPort->print(F("0")); _debugPort->print(shtpHeader[x], HEX); } uint8_t printLength = packetLength - 4; if (printLength > 40) printLength = 40; //Artificial limit. We don't want the phone book. _debugPort->print(F(" Body:")); for (uint8_t x = 0; x < printLength; x++) { _debugPort->print(F(" ")); if (shtpData[x] < 0x10) _debugPort->print(F("0")); _debugPort->print(shtpData[x], HEX); } if (packetLength & 1 << 15) { _debugPort->println(F(" [Continued packet] ")); packetLength &= ~(1 << 15); } _debugPort->print(F(" Length:")); _debugPort->print(packetLength); _debugPort->print(F(" Channel:")); if (shtpHeader[2] == 0) _debugPort->print(F("Command")); else if (shtpHeader[2] == 1) _debugPort->print(F("Executable")); else if (shtpHeader[2] == 2) _debugPort->print(F("Control")); else if (shtpHeader[2] == 3) _debugPort->print(F("Sensor-report")); else if (shtpHeader[2] == 4) _debugPort->print(F("Wake-report")); else if (shtpHeader[2] == 5) _debugPort->print(F("Gyro-vector")); else _debugPort->print(shtpHeader[2]); _debugPort->println(); } } //Pretty prints the contents of the current shtp header (only) void BNO080::printHeader(void) { if (_printDebug == true) { //Print the four byte header _debugPort->print(F("Header:")); for (uint8_t x = 0; x < 4; x++) { _debugPort->print(F(" ")); if (shtpHeader[x] < 0x10) _debugPort->print(F("0")); _debugPort->print(shtpHeader[x], HEX); } _debugPort->println(); } }