/* This is a library written for the BNO080 SparkFun sells these at its website: www.sparkfun.com Do you like this library? Help support SparkFun. Buy a board! https://www.sparkfun.com/products/14686 Written by Nathan Seidle @ SparkFun Electronics, December 28th, 2017 The BNO080 IMU is a powerful triple axis gyro/accel/magnetometer coupled with an ARM processor to maintain and complete all the complex calculations for various VR, inertial, step counting, and movement operations. This library handles the initialization of the BNO080 and is able to query the sensor for different readings. https://github.com/sparkfun/SparkFun_BNO080_Arduino_Library Development environment specifics: Arduino IDE 1.8.3 SparkFun code, firmware, and software is released under the MIT License. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #pragma once #if (ARDUINO >= 100) #include "Arduino.h" #else #include "WProgram.h" #endif #include #include //The default I2C address for the BNO080 on the SparkX breakout is 0x4B. 0x4A is also possible. #define BNO080_DEFAULT_ADDRESS 0x4B //Platform specific configurations //Define the size of the I2C buffer based on the platform the user has //-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= #if defined(__AVR_ATmega328P__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega168__) //I2C_BUFFER_LENGTH is defined in Wire.H #define I2C_BUFFER_LENGTH BUFFER_LENGTH #else //The catch-all default is 32 #define BNO_I2C_BUFFER_LENGTH 32 #endif //-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //Registers const byte CHANNEL_COMMAND = 0; const byte CHANNEL_EXECUTABLE = 1; const byte CHANNEL_CONTROL = 2; const byte CHANNEL_REPORTS = 3; const byte CHANNEL_WAKE_REPORTS = 4; const byte CHANNEL_GYRO = 5; //All the ways we can configure or talk to the BNO080, figure 34, page 36 reference manual //These are used for low level communication with the sensor, on channel 2 #define SHTP_REPORT_COMMAND_RESPONSE 0xF1 #define SHTP_REPORT_COMMAND_REQUEST 0xF2 #define SHTP_REPORT_FRS_READ_RESPONSE 0xF3 #define SHTP_REPORT_FRS_READ_REQUEST 0xF4 #define SHTP_REPORT_PRODUCT_ID_RESPONSE 0xF8 #define SHTP_REPORT_PRODUCT_ID_REQUEST 0xF9 #define SHTP_REPORT_BASE_TIMESTAMP 0xFB #define SHTP_REPORT_SET_FEATURE_COMMAND 0xFD //All the different sensors and features we can get reports from //These are used when enabling a given sensor #define SENSOR_REPORTID_ACCELEROMETER 0x01 #define SENSOR_REPORTID_GYROSCOPE 0x02 #define SENSOR_REPORTID_MAGNETIC_FIELD 0x03 #define SENSOR_REPORTID_LINEAR_ACCELERATION 0x04 #define SENSOR_REPORTID_ROTATION_VECTOR 0x05 #define SENSOR_REPORTID_GRAVITY 0x06 #define SENSOR_REPORTID_GAME_ROTATION_VECTOR 0x08 #define SENSOR_REPORTID_GEOMAGNETIC_ROTATION_VECTOR 0x09 #define SENSOR_REPORTID_GYRO_INTEGRATED_ROTATION_VECTOR 0x2A #define SENSOR_REPORTID_TAP_DETECTOR 0x10 #define SENSOR_REPORTID_STEP_COUNTER 0x11 #define SENSOR_REPORTID_STABILITY_CLASSIFIER 0x13 #define SENSOR_REPORTID_RAW_ACCELEROMETER 0x14 #define SENSOR_REPORTID_RAW_GYROSCOPE 0x15 #define SENSOR_REPORTID_RAW_MAGNETOMETER 0x16 #define SENSOR_REPORTID_PERSONAL_ACTIVITY_CLASSIFIER 0x1E #define SENSOR_REPORTID_AR_VR_STABILIZED_ROTATION_VECTOR 0x28 #define SENSOR_REPORTID_AR_VR_STABILIZED_GAME_ROTATION_VECTOR 0x29 //Record IDs from figure 29, page 29 reference manual //These are used to read the metadata for each sensor type #define FRS_RECORDID_ACCELEROMETER 0xE302 #define FRS_RECORDID_GYROSCOPE_CALIBRATED 0xE306 #define FRS_RECORDID_MAGNETIC_FIELD_CALIBRATED 0xE309 #define FRS_RECORDID_ROTATION_VECTOR 0xE30B //Command IDs from section 6.4, page 42 //These are used to calibrate, initialize, set orientation, tare etc the sensor #define COMMAND_ERRORS 1 #define COMMAND_COUNTER 2 #define COMMAND_TARE 3 #define COMMAND_INITIALIZE 4 #define COMMAND_DCD 6 #define COMMAND_ME_CALIBRATE 7 #define COMMAND_DCD_PERIOD_SAVE 9 #define COMMAND_OSCILLATOR 10 #define COMMAND_CLEAR_DCD 11 #define CALIBRATE_ACCEL 0 #define CALIBRATE_GYRO 1 #define CALIBRATE_MAG 2 #define CALIBRATE_PLANAR_ACCEL 3 #define CALIBRATE_ACCEL_GYRO_MAG 4 #define CALIBRATE_STOP 5 #define MAX_PACKET_SIZE 128 //Packets can be up to 32k but we don't have that much RAM. #define MAX_METADATA_SIZE 9 //This is in words. There can be many but we mostly only care about the first 9 (Qs, range, etc) class BNO080 { public: boolean begin(uint8_t deviceAddress = BNO080_DEFAULT_ADDRESS, TwoWire &wirePort = Wire, uint8_t intPin = 255); //By default use the default I2C addres, and use Wire port, and don't declare an INT pin boolean beginSPI(uint8_t user_CSPin, uint8_t user_WAKPin, uint8_t user_INTPin, uint8_t user_RSTPin, uint32_t spiPortSpeed = 3000000, SPIClass &spiPort = SPI); void enableDebugging(Stream &debugPort = Serial); //Turn on debug printing. If user doesn't specify then Serial will be used. void softReset(); //Try to reset the IMU via software uint8_t resetReason(); //Query the IMU for the reason it last reset void modeOn(); //Use the executable channel to turn the BNO on void modeSleep(); //Use the executable channel to put the BNO to sleep float qToFloat(int16_t fixedPointValue, uint8_t qPoint); //Given a Q value, converts fixed point floating to regular floating point number boolean waitForI2C(); //Delay based polling for I2C traffic boolean I2CTimedOut(); // Check if last time I2C timed out boolean waitForSPI(); //Delay based polling for INT pin to go low boolean receivePacket(void); boolean getData(uint16_t bytesRemaining); //Given a number of bytes, send the requests in I2C_BUFFER_LENGTH chunks boolean sendPacket(uint8_t channelNumber, uint8_t dataLength); void printPacket(void); //Prints the current shtp header and data packets void printHeader(void); //Prints the current shtp header (only) void enableRotationVector(uint16_t timeBetweenReports); void enableGameRotationVector(uint16_t timeBetweenReports); void enableARVRStabilizedRotationVector(uint16_t timeBetweenReports); void enableARVRStabilizedGameRotationVector(uint16_t timeBetweenReports); void enableAccelerometer(uint16_t timeBetweenReports); void enableGravity(uint16_t timeBetweenReports); void enableLinearAccelerometer(uint16_t timeBetweenReports); void enableGyro(uint16_t timeBetweenReports); void enableMagnetometer(uint16_t timeBetweenReports); void enableTapDetector(uint16_t timeBetweenReports); void enableStepCounter(uint16_t timeBetweenReports); void enableStabilityClassifier(uint16_t timeBetweenReports); void enableActivityClassifier(uint16_t timeBetweenReports, uint32_t activitiesToEnable, uint8_t (&activityConfidences)[9]); void enableRawAccelerometer(uint16_t timeBetweenReports); void enableRawGyro(uint16_t timeBetweenReports); void enableRawMagnetometer(uint16_t timeBetweenReports); void enableGyroIntegratedRotationVector(uint16_t timeBetweenReports); bool dataAvailable(void); uint16_t getReadings(void); uint16_t parseInputReport(void); //Parse sensor readings out of report uint16_t parseCommandReport(void); //Parse command responses out of report bool hasNewQuat(); bool hasNewGameQuat(); bool hasNewMagQuat(); void getQuat(float &i, float &j, float &k, float &real, float &radAccuracy, uint8_t &accuracy); void getGameQuat(float &i, float &j, float &k, float &real, uint8_t &accuracy); void getMagQuat(float &i, float &j, float &k, float &real, float &radAccuracy, uint8_t &accuracy); float getQuatI(); float getQuatJ(); float getQuatK(); float getQuatReal(); float getQuatRadianAccuracy(); uint8_t getQuatAccuracy(); void getAccel(float &x, float &y, float &z, uint8_t &accuracy); float getAccelX(); float getAccelY(); float getAccelZ(); uint8_t getAccelAccuracy(); bool hasNewAccel(); void getLinAccel(float &x, float &y, float &z, uint8_t &accuracy); float getLinAccelX(); float getLinAccelY(); float getLinAccelZ(); uint8_t getLinAccelAccuracy(); void getGyro(float &x, float &y, float &z, uint8_t &accuracy); float getGyroX(); float getGyroY(); float getGyroZ(); uint8_t getGyroAccuracy(); void getFastGyro(float &x, float &y, float &z); float getFastGyroX(); float getFastGyroY(); float getFastGyroZ(); void getMag(float &x, float &y, float &z, uint8_t &accuracy); float getMagX(); float getMagY(); float getMagZ(); uint8_t getMagAccuracy(); void calibrateAccelerometer(); void calibrateGyro(); void calibrateMagnetometer(); void calibratePlanarAccelerometer(); void calibrateAll(); void endCalibration(); void saveCalibration(); void requestCalibrationStatus(); //Sends command to get status boolean calibrationComplete(); //Checks ME Cal response for byte 5, R0 - Status uint8_t getTapDetector(); bool getTapDetected(); uint32_t getTimeStamp(); uint16_t getStepCount(); uint8_t getStabilityClassifier(); uint8_t getActivityClassifier(); int16_t getRawAccelX(); int16_t getRawAccelY(); int16_t getRawAccelZ(); int16_t getRawGyroX(); int16_t getRawGyroY(); int16_t getRawGyroZ(); int16_t getRawMagX(); int16_t getRawMagY(); int16_t getRawMagZ(); float getRoll(); float getPitch(); float getYaw(); void setFeatureCommand(uint8_t reportID, uint16_t timeBetweenReports); void setFeatureCommand(uint8_t reportID, uint16_t timeBetweenReports, uint32_t specificConfig); void sendCommand(uint8_t command); void sendCalibrateCommand(uint8_t thingToCalibrate); //Metadata functions int16_t getQ1(uint16_t recordID); int16_t getQ2(uint16_t recordID); int16_t getQ3(uint16_t recordID); float getResolution(uint16_t recordID); float getRange(uint16_t recordID); uint32_t readFRSword(uint16_t recordID, uint8_t wordNumber); void frsReadRequest(uint16_t recordID, uint16_t readOffset, uint16_t blockSize); bool readFRSdata(uint16_t recordID, uint8_t startLocation, uint8_t wordsToRead); //Global Variables uint8_t shtpHeader[4]; //Each packet has a header of 4 bytes uint8_t shtpData[MAX_PACKET_SIZE]; uint8_t sequenceNumber[6] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; //There are 6 com channels. Each channel has its own seqnum uint8_t commandSequenceNumber = 0; //Commands have a seqNum as well. These are inside command packet, the header uses its own seqNum per channel uint32_t metaData[MAX_METADATA_SIZE]; //There is more than 10 words in a metadata record but we'll stop at Q point 3 // IMU info uint8_t swMajor; uint8_t swMinor; uint32_t swPartNumber; uint32_t swBuildNumber; uint16_t swVersionPatch; private: //Variables TwoWire *_i2cPort; //The generic connection to user's chosen I2C hardware uint8_t _deviceAddress; //Keeps track of I2C address. setI2CAddress changes this. bool i2cTimedOut = false; Stream *_debugPort; //The stream to send debug messages to if enabled. Usually Serial. boolean _printDebug = false; //Flag to print debugging variables SPIClass *_spiPort; //The generic connection to user's chosen SPI hardware unsigned long _spiPortSpeed; //Optional user defined port speed uint8_t _cs; //Pins needed for SPI uint8_t _wake; uint8_t _int; uint8_t _rst; //These are the raw sensor values (without Q applied) pulled from the user requested Input Report uint16_t rawAccelX, rawAccelY, rawAccelZ, accelAccuracy; uint16_t rawLinAccelX, rawLinAccelY, rawLinAccelZ, accelLinAccuracy; uint16_t rawGyroX, rawGyroY, rawGyroZ, gyroAccuracy; uint16_t rawMagX, rawMagY, rawMagZ, magAccuracy; uint16_t rawQuatI, rawQuatJ, rawQuatK, rawQuatReal, rawQuatRadianAccuracy, quatAccuracy; uint16_t rawGameQuatI, rawGameQuatJ, rawGameQuatK, rawGameQuatReal, quatGameAccuracy; uint16_t rawMagQuatI, rawMagQuatJ, rawMagQuatK, rawMagQuatReal, rawMagQuatRadianAccuracy, quatMagAccuracy; bool hasNewQuaternion, hasNewGameQuaternion, hasNewMagQuaternion, hasNewAccel_; uint16_t rawFastGyroX, rawFastGyroY, rawFastGyroZ; uint8_t tapDetector; bool hasNewTap; uint16_t stepCount; uint32_t timeStamp; uint8_t stabilityClassifier; uint8_t activityClassifier; uint8_t *_activityConfidences; //Array that store the confidences of the 9 possible activities uint8_t calibrationStatus; //Byte R0 of ME Calibration Response uint16_t memsRawAccelX, memsRawAccelY, memsRawAccelZ; //Raw readings from MEMS sensor uint16_t memsRawGyroX, memsRawGyroY, memsRawGyroZ; //Raw readings from MEMS sensor uint16_t memsRawMagX, memsRawMagY, memsRawMagZ; //Raw readings from MEMS sensor //These Q values are defined in the datasheet but can also be obtained by querying the meta data records //See the read metadata example for more info int16_t rotationVector_Q1 = 14; int16_t rotationVectorAccuracy_Q1 = 12; //Heading accuracy estimate in radians. The Q point is 12. int16_t accelerometer_Q1 = 8; int16_t linear_accelerometer_Q1 = 8; int16_t gyro_Q1 = 9; int16_t magnetometer_Q1 = 4; int16_t angular_velocity_Q1 = 10; };